Saturday, 1 March 2014

ESL Video Quiz: Euthanasia


1) What was John Elliot's profession before he died?
a)  Doctor
b) Politician
c) Ombudsman

2) What was John Elliot's disease?
 a) Cancer
 b) A melanoma
 c) A mortal infection

3) What is Dying With Dignity?
 a) An organization
 b) A hospital
 c) A non-gurnameltal association

4) Why was Zurich his chosen place to die?
a)  He loved that place
b) There was the place where he got married
c)It was the only legal option available

5) In wich month was he born?
 a) March
 b) November
 c) January

6) When did he die?
 a) Tuesday 25th of january
 b) Thursday 25th of january
 c) Thursday 23rd of january

ASWERS: 1.a - 2.a - 3.a - 4.c - 5.a - 6.b


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