Active euthanasia
In active euthanasia a person directly and deliberately causes the patient's death.
Assisted suicide
This is when the person who wants
to die needs help to kill themselves, asks for it and receives it.
to die needs help to kill themselves, asks for it and receives it.
A competent patient is one who understands his or her medical condition, what the likely future course of the disease is, and the risks and benefits associated with the treatment of the condition; and who can communicate their wishes.
The value that a human being has simply by existing, not because of any property or action of an individual.
Abbreviation for Do Not Resuscitate. Instruction telling medical staff not to attempt to resuscitate the patient if the patient has a heart attack.
Doctrine of Double Effect
Ethical theory that allows the use of drugs that will shorten life, if the primary aim is only to reduce pain.
Futile treatment
Treatment that the health care team think will be completely ineffective.
Indirect euthanasia
This means providing treatment (usually to reduce pain) that has the foreseeable side effect of causing the patient to die sooner.
Involuntary euthanasia
This occurs when the person who dies wants to live but is killed anyway. It is usually the same thing as murder.
Living will
A document prepared by an individual in which they state what they want in regard to medical treatment and euthanasia.
Non-voluntary euthanasia
This is where the person is unable to ask for euthanasia (perhaps they are unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate), or to make a meaningful choice between living and dying and an appropriate person takes the decision on their behalf, perhaps in accordance with their living will, or previously expressed wishes.
Palliative care
Medical, emotional, psychosocial, or spiritual care given to a person who is terminally ill and which is aimed at reducing suffering rather than curing.
Passive euthanasia
In passive euthanasia death is brought about by an omission - i.e. by withdrawing or withholding treatment in order to let the person die.
Abbreviation for Physician Assisted Suicide.
Voluntary euthanasia
This is where euthanasia is carried out at the request of the person who dies.
- antibiotics = drugs and medicine that are used to kill bacteria and cure infections
- appear = to come up, start
- argue = say
- based on = depending on
- battle = fight
- brain damage = damage to a person’s brain caused by an accident or illness
- case = situation
- century = a hundred years
- chemotherapy = treatment you get when you suffer from cancer
- court = the place where a trial is held; there is a judge and a jury that decide if a person is guilty or not
- cure = to make healthy
- cycle = events that happen again and again, in the same order
- emerge = appear , come up
- emotional = relating to your feelings
- especially = above all
- even though = while
- feeding tube = a thin pipe through which a patient gets food
- forbid = not allow
- illegal = not allowed
- immoral = morally wrong; behavior that is not accepted by people
- incurable = deadly
- interfere = to get in the way of something
- issue = topic , problem
- legal = allowed in a country
- legal = in court
- life supporting = to help you survive
- morphine = a powerful drug used to stop pain and make people calm down
- oath = a formal promise
- overcrowded = with too many people
- painless = without pain
- physical = related to the body
- practice = carry out, perform
- promote = to be for something
- rebirth = to be born again
- regard = look upon as
- remove = take away
- succeed in = to reach what you want
- suffer = to feel pain
- survive = to live on
- swear-sworn = to promise officially
- treatment = something that is done to help and cure an ill person
- view = opinion
- will = a document that you have written and says what you want
- worthy = here: to deserve to stay alive
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